Back at it. "Calling in Fibro" resurrected after 10 months of bed rest. But who's counting?

Thank you for visiting my blog. This is a very personal record of my journey into the world of Chronic Illness and Disease. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at 31. In the course of 6 weeks following my diagnosis, I lost my job, my independence and my ability to live life without limits. You will find I lose my "voice" for nearly 9 months. The disease progressively took over and I had no desire to write about something that was destroying me on a daily basis. Now, January 2012, nearly 10 months after my first entry, I am back and ready to journal the ups and downs, the diets, the treatments, the wacky experiments seeking a pain free, energy filled existence. It is my hope this blog will provide some comfort for many of you suffering from this (explicative) disease. If there is one thing I have found, there are too few resources readily available with answers on Fibromyalgia. Western Medicine is quick to prescribe you an army of medication, hippie fueled newsletters are quick to tell you are poisoning yourself with food and lifestyle choices. Both of these can help us get better, but neither ultimately and solely hold the answer for us. Hopefully, through this journal, I can do the suffering for most of you and tell you the "do's and do not's."
Please be warned, bitching and moaning will go hand in hand with this blog. Its par for the course, after all this SUCKS!  But  to be fair there wil be no shortage of rejoicing in the good days and embracing any glimpse of a silver lining.
So consider this a resurrection of the initial intent of this blog.


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