The husband and I decided, given our current circumstances, that now is probably as good a time as any to start trying for a family. The circumstances being I am out of work, we are living in a house of massive support (with my roommates, er, parents), and his job provides us a wonderful opportunity to be financially "on the ball," so-to-speak.
With that said, we are extremely blessed with good fortune, deep rooted love and infinite support of family. This "maybe baby" as well call it, will be doted with endless amounts of joyous love, company and opportunity by family near and far.
All of our ducks are seemingly in a row. Except for one lingering issue, I am chronically ill. So I plan on dedicating a large amount of this blog to my experiences being pregnant with Fibromyalgia. Of course, I need to get pregnant first =).
Most of you know, if you suffer from fibromyalgia, that fibro hates change. If you catch a cold, suffer from allergies, travel from a dry climate to a moist climate...your body knows it. And if you are like me, your body punishes you for it. So the idea of being pregnant truly terrifies me. But the idea of being a mother, and raising my amazing husband's child, makes the pain and misery of 9 months worthy.
So here's go nothing. The making of a "maybe baby" while fibrofantastic.
An honest depiction of life after the diagnosis

- Jilly
- This is a very personal record of my journey into the world of Chronic Illness and Disease. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at 31. In the course of 6 weeks following my diagnosis, I lost my job, my independence and my ability to live a life without limits. It is my hope this blog will provide some comfort for many of you suffering from this disease. I'm not the "Golden Girl" for Fibro. I'm not that strong. I simply look forward to honestly sharing the peaks and valleys of my journey with anyone willing to listen.
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These are my words, my thoughts, and my feelings. Publishing these on any source other than this site is prohibited. You may make reference to content found in this blog by marking it's source, linking to this web address, and quoting the content accurately. Thanks!
I am not a medical professional and this blog is not intended to be received as giving medical advice. I simply am documenting my personal experiences living with Fibromyalgia. It is for entertainment and informational purposes only.
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